About us

Since 1938

The Royal National Fraternity of Transmission Troops & CIS & CT aims to:

  • Bring together everyone who has friendship ties with the TTr, CIS, or CT weapon, as well as everyone who serves or has served with the TTr, CIS, or CT weapon.
  • To maintain and promote among its members, a spirit of patriotism, friendship, and togetherness.
  • To be a liaison and coordination body between TTr, CIS, and CT fraternities, sections, and circles of friends both regionally, and between existing or former active and reserve units.
  • To represent the TTr, CIS, and CT family at key patriotic events, as well as at TTr fraternities in neighboring countries.
  • Honour the memory of the deceased.
  • Follow up the mapping/inventory of the TTr societies.



Bingo & lunch for everyone

Management board

For the board members of the local
departments and Friends circles or
Fraternities of the TTR, CIS, CT


The Patron Saint of the CIS is celebrated once
a year by way of a
sports and cohesion day.

Become a member of the FRT TTr & CIS & CT

Please create an account and/or Log in te see the details.